Causes and Treatment of Low Libido in Women

If you’re reading this article right now there’s a very good chance you have found yourself not… in the mood lately. If so, you’re not alone. In fact, low libido is one of the most commonly reported sexual concerns among women, particularly women over the age of 50.

Symptoms and Causes of Low Libido

It’s quite common for most women to have fluctuations in their sex drive. Thanks to ever-changing hormones, interest in sex naturally ebbs and flows. It is actually estimated that as many as 43% of women experience occasional low libido, while only 10% have chronic low libido. [1

Symptoms of low libido include:

  • Little to no interest in sex for more than 6 months
  • Rarely if ever having sexual thoughts or fantasies
  • No interest in initiating sex
  • Lack of physical pleasure from sexual touch
  • Difficulty enjoying sex

So what exactly causes low libido? A variety of things, and once you know the root cause of your low sex drive, you can take steps to ramp it back up.

Here are some of the most common causes of low libido in women:


As women age, our estrogen and testosterone levels naturally decrease. This decrease causes our libido to take a hit. On the plus side, women’s enjoyment of sex tends to increase as they age, with many women having their best orgasms after the age of 35! 

Prescription Medications

From birth control to antidepressants to blood pressure pills, the medications we put in our body greatly affect our sex drive. While you should never quit a medication cold turkey, if you think this may be the culprit, speak to your doctor about making a switch.

Health Issues

There are several chronic illnesses that can affect your interest in sex. For instance, type 2 diabetes can affect your circulation, this includes circulation to your genitals, making it harder to become aroused. Depression also affects libido, as can heart disease and high blood pressure.

While pregnancy and menopause are not health issues per se, they both come with hormonal fluctuations that affect our sex drive.

Poor Body Image

When we feel confident about our appearance, it’s a pleasure to share ourselves fully with another person. But when women suffer from low self-esteem or body issues, it can negatively impact how desirable we feel when it comes to sex. And when we ourselves don’t feel desirable, we don’t feel much desire at all.

Low Libido and its Impact on Relationships

Obviously, if you are in a relationship, your low libido doesn’t just affect you, it affects your partner as well. If your partner craves sexual intimacy with you but you have no interest, their confidence can take a hit, and so can the relationship.

But there are things you can do to keep the intimacy and connection alive. To start, do your best to keep the communication open and honest. True communication is the foundation of all intimacy.

Next, reconnect on an emotional level. You can do this by cuddling, holding hands while walking down the street, or hugging more. This loving touch can go a long way in rekindling your intimacy and eventually, your sex life.

You may also want to speak with someone about your low libido. Though you’ve done nothing wrong, low libido can come with feelings of stress and guilt, and it’s important to work through these.

If you are suffering from low libido and would like to speak with someone, please feel free to reach out to me. I would be more than happy to discuss how I may be able to help.